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Huisartsenpraktijk Biersteker – Gijsbers
Vissersdijk 221 3011 GW


We are a doctors practice, located in the centre of Rotterdam.
We have two female general practioners working in our practice.

Our opening hours are Monday untill Friday from 8.00 h till 17.00 h.

The adress is
Vissersdijk 221
3011 GW Rotterdam


If you want to make an appointment, please call to our assistent. She will always ask for the reason of your visit. The normal time of a consultation is 15 minutes, for 1 issue. If you need more time or if you have several complaints, please tell the assistent, so she can make the proper appointment for you.

With MijnGezondheid.net you can arrange healthcare matters online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at your GP or pharmacy. For example, you can make an appointment online, order repeat medication or send a message.


Healthcare during night or weekends

When our practice is closed and you are sick and can’t wait untill the next morning, you can contact the Huisartsenpost, next to the Sint Fransicus Hospital. It is for emergency only.
You always have to call first, before going to the Huisartsenpost.
The adress is

Huisartsenpost SFG
Kleiweg 500
3045 PM Rotterdam

 Health information

https://gpinfo.nl is an independent website for health information, developed and maintained by the Dutch College of GPs. This English version contains a selection of topics from the Dutch website.